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 Oggetto del messaggio: Epic failure
MessaggioInviato: lun giu 29, 2009 22:35 
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Admin di Valm Neira
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Iscritto il: mar feb 03, 2004 12:50
Messaggi: 34449
Località: Valm Neira
Sorry, little outburst. :devil:

Loic Le Meur, french :x :P founder of Seesmic, some time ago, wrote a very antipatic article about Hictu (that was a competitor project in which I was involved).
Now, after 12 million dollars of investments (fired) he announced that Seesmic is putting the video micro blogging service on hold and focusing on the development of their Twitter client. ... ailed.html

We stop Hictu developments two years ago, with a very low investment.

Epic failure, Loic. :ahsisi:

Siamo simili in molti modi, tu ed io. C'è qualcosa di oscuro in noi. Oscurità, dolore, morte. Irradiano da noi. Se mai amerai una donna, Rand, lasciala e permettile di trovare un altro uomo. Sarà il più bel regalo che potrai farle.
Che la pace favorisca la tua spada. Tai'shar Manetheren!


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Epic failure
MessaggioInviato: dom lug 05, 2009 11:31 
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Iscritto il: mer lug 13, 2005 14:43
Messaggi: 8646
I think they had been rash with theire investments. I know nothing about web development, but imho, with more care of theire money, they may could did better (firing less money).

1) People don’t like using video for video conversation
2) People don’t like using video communication

Now i ask you, Muze, when you started Hictu, didn't you inquired about this points?

Every day meditate for ten minutes. If you have no time, meditate for an hour.


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Epic failure
MessaggioInviato: dom lug 05, 2009 11:45 
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Admin di Valm Neira
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Iscritto il: mar feb 03, 2004 12:50
Messaggi: 34449
Località: Valm Neira
goldrake ha scritto:
1) People don’t like using video for video conversation
2) People don’t like using video communication

Now i ask you, Muze, when you started Hictu, didn't you inquired about this points?

When Hictu was launched, I was just a developer. I received specifications, and I just realized what they told to me.
But we were the first company that "tested" the video-microblog, in times in which the videoblogging seemed to have some success. After 18 months of unsuccess, we decided to stop new developments.

This is the meaning of "investment": time and money spent at own risk.

But there's investment and investment: the pay for 2-3 developers (50-60k euros), and 12 million dollars.

Siamo simili in molti modi, tu ed io. C'è qualcosa di oscuro in noi. Oscurità, dolore, morte. Irradiano da noi. Se mai amerai una donna, Rand, lasciala e permettile di trovare un altro uomo. Sarà il più bel regalo che potrai farle.
Che la pace favorisca la tua spada. Tai'shar Manetheren!


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Epic failure
MessaggioInviato: dom lug 05, 2009 15:15 
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Iscritto il: mer lug 13, 2005 14:43
Messaggi: 8646
But there's investment and investment: the pay for 2-3 developers (50-60k euros), and 12 million dollars.

And then, success or failure / epic success or epic failure. :damn:

Every day meditate for ten minutes. If you have no time, meditate for an hour.


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Epic failure
MessaggioInviato: lun lug 06, 2009 00:41 
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Admin di Valm Neira
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Iscritto il: mar feb 03, 2004 12:50
Messaggi: 34449
Località: Valm Neira
Loic Le Meur paid some videobloggers for the service launch, and he though than that was true user traffic? Hictu lives (survives) just with a few users that cross-post from other services (HelloTxt) or the Hictu Widget.
So, his first victory was a "Pirro victory": he was burning dollars to do what people should do for free. :goccia:

Siamo simili in molti modi, tu ed io. C'è qualcosa di oscuro in noi. Oscurità, dolore, morte. Irradiano da noi. Se mai amerai una donna, Rand, lasciala e permettile di trovare un altro uomo. Sarà il più bel regalo che potrai farle.
Che la pace favorisca la tua spada. Tai'shar Manetheren!


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Epic failure
MessaggioInviato: lun lug 06, 2009 07:59 
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Iscritto il: mer lug 13, 2005 14:43
Messaggi: 8646

According to this two articles, Hictu was created after Le Meur's Seesmic.
Reeding about the "adventures" of Loic, i think he tough ( :lol: ) his name could garanteed him success and popolarity on web.

Every day meditate for ten minutes. If you have no time, meditate for an hour.


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Epic failure
MessaggioInviato: lun lug 06, 2009 10:09 
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Admin di Valm Neira
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Iscritto il: mar feb 03, 2004 12:50
Messaggi: 34449
Località: Valm Neira
goldrake ha scritto:
According to this two articles, Hictu was created after Le Meur's Seesmic.

According to this two articles, Hictu was created BEFORE Le Meur's Seesmic. :goccia:

Siamo simili in molti modi, tu ed io. C'è qualcosa di oscuro in noi. Oscurità, dolore, morte. Irradiano da noi. Se mai amerai una donna, Rand, lasciala e permettile di trovare un altro uomo. Sarà il più bel regalo che potrai farle.
Che la pace favorisca la tua spada. Tai'shar Manetheren!


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Epic failure
MessaggioInviato: lun lug 06, 2009 15:17 
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Miglior Avatar Natalizio
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Iscritto il: mer lug 13, 2005 14:43
Messaggi: 8646
I can absolutly assure that my mistake was for the wrong reeding of the articles :teach: :damn:

Every day meditate for ten minutes. If you have no time, meditate for an hour.


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