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 Oggetto del messaggio: Irish Trip
MessaggioInviato: lun feb 23, 2009 15:35 
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Miglior Avatar Natalizio
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Iscritto il: mer giu 27, 2007 11:02
Messaggi: 3947
Località: Bergamo
I came back yesterday from an exciting trip to Ireland.

You can see a couple of photos we made between one pint of Guinness and the next one ^^


"Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder"
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford


 Oggetto del messaggio: Travelling!
MessaggioInviato: lun feb 23, 2009 18:15 
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Miglior Avatar Natalizio
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Iscritto il: mer lug 13, 2005 14:43
Messaggi: 8646
Hi everybody and welcome!

There's nothing like travels and travelling to! Visiting other countries, sight-seeing, knowing new places, people and cultures!

This topic is for our own experiences and feelings about any shining or hidden corner of the World :P
Outcountries posting is as well welcome :d

Enjoy your travels! Enjoy yourselves!

Every day meditate for ten minutes. If you have no time, meditate for an hour.


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Travelling!
MessaggioInviato: mer feb 25, 2009 20:31 
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Iscritto il: lun ago 18, 2008 16:53
Messaggi: 600
Hei alle sammen!!!

As you can see, that wasn't English, but Norwegian!
I live in Norwey right now, and I'll come back to Italy i July...
It's fantastic here, and when I won't be busy I'll post some photos and tell something about Norwey... until then, ha det bra! :wink:


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Travelling!
MessaggioInviato: mer feb 25, 2009 21:33 
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Miglior Avatar Natalizio
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Iscritto il: mer lug 13, 2005 14:43
Messaggi: 8646
Norwey! Say us all about She :D
I'm very charmed by "cold" countries XD

I went to Ireland last summer for two weeks and... i'm in love with She :asd:
Is the magical, common, atmosphere i think; the studing of the Irish history and speaking English everyday... thinkin' in English; all this elements made me love Ireland.

Isn't true.. Leprechauns made me love She and her beer XD

Every day meditate for ten minutes. If you have no time, meditate for an hour.


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